Thursday, 19 November 2015

Dockercon 2015

Just returned from the DockerCon 15 that took place in Barcelona, Spain. It has been a somewhat tiring but interesting experience. Here there are some quick thoughts I´d like to share with you.

Brand new Docker functionalities

In the general session, at the very beginning of the conference, some new features were show-cased and seemed  very interesting:
  • Production-ready Docker Swarm (which handles the creation and orchestration of a large number of containers in distributed applications).
  • Out of the box multi-host networking.
These two features were demonstrated by creating 50.000 containers on 1.000 Amazon Web Services nodes. However, I would have loved to see them actually performing some work, (rather just starting up). Specially hard would have been to share some workload and perform some kind of coordination...

Here you can see the video from the general session:

The demo done on the Docker Toolbox was quite interesting, it might be a really good tool in order to ramp up new developers coming to your project.