Friday, 15 February 2019

Systematic Put Write - February 2019


Today is February Option Expiration day and it is time to review the movements done following our strategy.

IBEX 35 on February 15th 2019. Source Investing.

Despite today's gains, and after closing at 9130 points, the monthly gains in the index is just 52 points more (or + 0,57%) than the previous month.

As this value is above the strike price of the sold option (which was 9000) I get to keep all the credit initially received (+ 146,35 €).

Considering this, since its inception, the Put Write Strategy is at -1,6%.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Closed: ODAX February 2019 Call Spread


Yesterday I closed the ODAX 11350 - 11400 Debit Put Spread, which was opened before Christmas in order to protect the former Call Spread deployed for January against a market rebound.

DAX 30 on February 6th 2019. Source Investing
This trade worked fine in its original task and I was aiming to make more profit if the market kept rising. However, with only nine days left, I chose to close it near break even.