Sunday, 21 July 2019

Systematic Put Write - July 2019


Last Friday was July Option Expiration day and it is time to review the movements done following our strategy.

IBEX 35 on July 19th 2019. Source Investing

IBEX 35 index closed at 9170 points, losing 57 points (or -0,31%).

For this month I had sold a 9300 PUT, so the final result after re-buying the sold option is a gain of 34,35€ (or + 0.35%).

Considering this, since its inception, the Put Write Strategy is at +1.7%.

We are now entering the last month before completing our first year continuously selling ATM puts on the IBEX 35. Unless August finishes with a sharp drop (> 3%) we will end up with profits while beating the underlying index with considerably less volatility and using a strategy that is very little time consuming.

Let´s wait another month and see how this first year ends.