Sunday 16 October 2016

Introduction to Spring Cloud Dataflow (I)


This is the first of a series of posts on how to develop data-driven micro-services with Spring Cloud Dataflow (SCDF from now on).  For now, we will see what is the approach proposed by this framework and how to build locally the basic components: Source, Sink and Processor.

Also, if you are familiar with Spring, we will take a look to the already-made components that are available for you to use so you don´t have to reinvent the wheel.

  • What is Spring Cloud DataFlow?
  • Introduction to the API: A simple Producer (Source), Consumer (sink) setup.
  • Prerequisites: Kafka and Zookeeper.
  • Coding a simple Source: HTTP Poller that retrieves live stock prices.
  • Coding a simple Sink that store the results in a file.
  • Writing an additional Batch Source.
  • Summary & Resources.

What is Spring Cloud Dataflow?

The idea behind SCDF is to go another step further in the abstraction race: With Spring and the concept of Inversion of Control (IoC) paradigm, you let the framework invoke your Beans (components) which perform a small particular task.
Now, the idea is to have, instead of components:
  • Fully independent micro-services.
  • Running in completely independent JVMs (or even hosts).
  • Communicating using a messaging middleware (for the moment, either Kafka or Rabbit).
Introduction to the API: A simple Producer (Source), Consumer (sink) setup

In order to get started, we will build an example currently used in this blog, in a past Spring Integration post. That is:
  • A producer that periodically gathers some live information from the Web: Stock prices.
  • A consumer that will store them, for instance, in a file.
As said before, the idea now is to achieve even higher decoupling. as both components are independent micro-services, and know nothing from each other. 

Prerequisites: Kafka and Zookeeper

You need Kafka for delivering the messaged from and to our microservices, and Kafka needs Zookeeper to organize itself.
For the sake of simplicity, we are going to get a local Kafka installation that comes with Zookeeper (please note that this is not the usual production setup!).
  • First, get a local Kafka installation, here.(There are Windows .bat files under /bin/Windows)
  • Run Zookeeper and a Kafka server

Coding a simple Source: HTTP Poller that retrieves live stock prices

There are a couple of concepts to understand in this API: Binders and Component Types.

Binders: These are the technologies used for transporting the messages. Currently either Kafka or Rabbit. Therefore, in your pom.xml you need to import either dependency.

Component Types: There are three component types in SCDF:

  1. Sources: They introduce events into our system (get HTTP requests, read files, etc.). They listen by default to a Spring Integration channel called "output".
  2. Sinks: The take events from our system and produce some results(write files, databases, etc.) and they always listen to a channel called "input".
  3. Processors: They are a mixture of both Sources and Sinks.

So, basically you are going to write Spring Integration applications that read or write to these channels. That´s all.

And the way of working is pretty much always the same: A couple of Java classes with your business logic and importing the proper bindings, a properties file and some Spring Integration flows:

These are the properties for the Producer, note the URL to get the stocks and the Kafka topic to write the messages:

Then, a convenient way to test your Source process is to use a simple Kafka Console Consumer (provided with the Kafka installation in the bin folder):

If everything is OK, you should see a stream of raw Java Stock Quotations being written to your console.

Create a simple Sink that store the results in a file

In this case, we are going to use the SCDF-specific Starters Initializr page in order to create our project.
Just choose the file sink and Kafka Binder dependencies and you will get an almost-working file sink:

OK, that was an innocent lie. Actually I needed a couple of lines more as the starter provided only works with Strings, Files, ByteArrays and IntputStreams and I wanted to send my domain object: StockQuotation.
So what I did is to modify the class provided by the starter in order to add a Spring Integration object-to-string-transformer before passing the message to the MessageHandler.

Then in the main class, I just imported the new Spring Integration file:

And these were the properties used:

Again, you can test your file sink in complete isolation, this time using a simple Kafka console producer:

Just start typing text in the console and each line will be stored in the file specified above.

And that´s it! Just by adding the starter dependency and the, you are using a component that connects to Kafka, reads the messages and dumps them to a file.
OK, it is neither very sophisticated nor very useful, but think of all sinks that you can reuse by just changing one line of code and a properties file:
  • File
  • Databases: JDBC, Cassandra
  • HDFS
  • Messaging frameworks: Gemfire, Rabbit MQ,..
Now, it´s time to test the producer and consumer together and see the stock quotes delivered to the output file.

Writing an additional Batch Source
You can think now: Yeah right, but what have you accomplished here that was not already in the original Stokker? And also the set-up is much more complex (Kafka, several JVMs, etc.)!

That´s a fair point. The main accomplishment here is decoupling, as we have two process that do their stuff and know nothing about the rest of the world. 
Let´s think of an example: Now, I got these two brand new requirements:
  • I want to recover "historical stock quotations" apart from the "live ones".
  • I want them to end in the same file/database as the live ones.
  • I want this new process to be one-off and on-demand.
Now, instead of trashing up the already-in-production producer, we are going to code a new module that fulfills these requirements, write these Stock Quotations in Kafka and lets the Consumer deal with them. That´s the benefit of decoupling.

So, how does a Processor looks like? Actually is just the combination of a Sink and a Source which means that, by default, it will listen for Kafka messages in input and whatever message written to output will be sent to Kafka as well.
As mentioned before, we are going to use a ready made component: HTTP Processor and just add an HTTP Inbound Channel Adapter so we can trigger the process by just curling an URL:

Now, a little bit of Spring Integration magic to map those parameters to headers in the message passed to our HTTPProcessor (which is listening to channel input)

And finally, the customary import and properties.file (really, we did ALL the code go??).

Note that the URL expression is using the headers that we provided before.

So, with this totally independent module, we gave the system the ability to import historical stock quotations by just executing this curl, thus fulfilling the new requirements, and without changing any other component (or breaking it).


We have achieved our aim of decoupling a producer and a consumer and run them in separate JVMs (or even hosts) while relaying on Kafka. Also, introducing new producers is much easier than before.
However, there is still a lot of manual work to do (start and stop the processes, define the topics, etc.) and we are not profiting from some of the Kafka benefits (such as partitions).

So, in the next post, we will see how can we benefit from the usage of the Spring Cloud Dataflow server implementations, that should ease a lot the deploying and scaling of our distributed systems while running in different platforms (locally, in Cloud Foundry, Yarn, etc.).

Finally, I am developing new Sinks that should do more interesting stuff than just writing a text file.

Stay tuned!


You can find the sample code in this GiHub repository.
Spring Webinar: Data Microservices with Spring Cloud Dataflow
Reference documentation: Stream Applications reference documentation

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